2024 Membership
Membership in the Society is open to any person interested in meteoritics and related sciences regardless of residence, citizenship or age.
We encourage students and early career researchers to join the society. To make membership affordable, student memberships are only $10, and early career memberships are only $40, which we define as anyone who is within 10 years of completing their PhD or last degree.
Memberships are entered and renewed on a calendar year basis (Jan 1 through Dec 31). You will receive all publications for the year you join beginning when your application is processed; if you join in the middle of the year, you will have online access to any publications from earlier in the year that you may have missed.
Members who join after October 1 will be full members for the remainder of the calendar year in which they join, plus the next calendar year. (For example, someone joining in October 3, 2023 will be a full member until December 31, 2024). Those members will get immediate electronic access to MAPS (Meteoritics & Planetary Sciences), just like members joining earlier in the year. However, their print subscription of MAPS will start with the January issue of the next calendar year (January, 2024 in the example given above).