Submission Directions and Guidelines for Monthly Newsletter Announcements from Society Members
Starting in September 2023, the Meteoritical Society's monthly email newsletter will include a section for announcements submitted by society members. The email newsletter is distributed to active Meteoritical Society members via email and posted on the Meteoritical Society website as a news story and archived with the Newsletter tag.
Please send all replies and submissions for consideration to the Meteoritical Society Secretary at The newsletter editors reserve the right to modify announcements for display considerations, spelling and grammar, or to reject submissions that do not meet the guidelines below.
DEADLINE: Send announcements to by 5pm CST on the last Friday of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.
CONTENT: We welcome submissions from current Meteoritical Society members regarding meetings, workshops, seminars, job announcements, and general news that are relevant to the Meteoritical Society community.
Job announcements should include position title, institution, and a brief description of the job. Meetings, workshops, and seminar announcements should include the topic/title, location (or virtual), and date/time. News items may include any general announcement that may be of interest to our members but cannot include any commercial content or sales. For example, members may announce websites that are solely used for research and/or education purposes but cannot include links to sites that offer services or items for sale. Personal promotion or individual research announcements are not accepted.
WORD LIMIT AND FORMAT: All announcements are limited to a maximum of 200 words (title plus text) in plain text in English. No images or attachments will be distributed. Extended information (e.g., for job ads or meeting information) should be provided by URLs within the text. Announcements exceeding 200 words will be edited for length or returned to the submitter for modification.
TWEETS (Optional): Newsletter submissions may also be tweeted @MeteoriticalSoc. Please submit a 240 (or fewer) character tweet that begins with the announcement title for a given announcement. 40 characters are reserved for a link to the newsletter.
PRONOUNS: With the increased use of old and new pronouns, we want to be respectful of people's desired usage of pronouns, including non-binary. We invite everyone to share their pronouns in announcements if they wish. Because editors and some of our editing tools do not necessarily recognize the particular usage or spelling of all pronouns, when submitting an announcement it would be helpful to include a note to the editor about how it is desired for pronouns to appear.