Upcoming Meetings

  • 2025 (87th Annual Meeting) July 14-18, Perth, Australia
  • 2026 (88th Annual Meeting) August 9-14, Frankfurt, Germany
  • 2027 (89th Annual Meeting) July 26-30, Flagstaff, USA (hosted by ASU)
  • 2028 (90th Annual Meeting) July 30 - August 4 (tentative dates), Antofagasta, Chile

How to Host the Next MetSoc Meeting

Past Meetings

The first Meteoritical Society meeting was held in 1933. Visit this webpage to see information about past annual meetings.

Public Barringer Lectures at the Meteoritical Society Meetings

The Barringer lecture is held yearly in association with the annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society. The Barringer lecture is a public event aimed at sharing space science to engage and inspire a public audience.

  • 2024: Véronique Dehant, Does the Red Planet Have a Heart? Results from the Mars InSight mission.
  • 2023: Amy Mainzer, Earth-Approaching Asteroids and Comets: Opportunity and Risk
  • 2022: Elliot Sefton-Nash, Early Mars - A World Record
  • 2021: Leslie Rogers, Glimpsing the Exoplanet Composition Distribution
  • 2020 (No lecture as annual meeting wasn't held.)
  • 2019: Kazuyuki Shiraishi ,The Search for Antarctic Meteorites: Fifty Years from the Discovery of the Yamato Meteorites
  • 2018: Guy Consolmagno SJ, Philosophy of Meteorites: Awe, Faith and Data
  • 2017: Harrison Hagan Schmitt, Return To the Moon
  • 2016: Mark McCaughrean, Rosetta: To Catch a Comet
  • 2014: Philippe Taquet, Meteorites and Dinosaurs
  • 2013: Peter Brown, Fireballs Producing Meteorites: from Tagish Lake to Chelyabinsk
  • 2012: Stuart Ross Taylor, Origin of Planetary Systems
  • 2011: Martin Rees, Big Bang to Biosphere
  • 2010: Sean C. Solomon, Exploring Mercury with the MESSENGER Spacecraft
  • 2009: Jean Cave, She called me "My Martian"
  • 2008: Manabu Kato, Kaguya Mission Challenges to Origin and Evolution of the Moon
  • 2007: Peter Smith, The Phoenix Mission Explores the Martian Arctic
  • 2006: Michel Mayor, From Gaseous Giants to Rocky Planets
  • 2005: Jeff Hester, Understanding Our Origins: Formation of Sun-like Stars in HII Region Environments
  • 2004: A. P. Guimarães, Magnetism in the Universe
  • 2003: Rainer Albertz, The Weal and Woe of Civilization: A Modern Message of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures
  • 2002: Michael C. Malin, Highlights from the Mars Global Survey Orbital Camera
  • 2001: Dava Sobel, Galileo's Daughter
  • 2000: Torrence Johnson, The Moons of Jupiter: Discovered by Galileo, the Man - Explored by Galileo, the Spacecraft
  • 1999: Clark Chapman, The NEAR Mission: Insights about Asteroidal Cratering