June 4, 2024 Nancy Chabot

In 2023, the Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society approved 2487 meteorites, with details given in the Meteoritical Bulletin 112. It includes 14 falls, 1926 ordinary chondrites, 141 HED, 127 carbonaceous chondrites (including 6 ungrouped), 71 lunar meteorites, 37 ureilites, 36 mesosiderites, 27 Martian meteorites, 23 iron meteorites (6 ungrouped), 20 Rumuruti chondrites, 19 ungrouped achondrites, 19 enstatite chondrites, 18 primitive achondrites (2 ungrouped), 12 pallasites, 6 angrites, 4 enstatite achondrites, and 1 ungrouped chondrite. Of the meteorites approved in 2023, 968 were from Africa, 836 from South America, 572 from Antarctica, 66 from Asia, 35 from North America, 9 from Europe, and 1 from Oceania. Read the Meteoritical Bulletin 112 for more details.

Thank you to the members of the Nomenclature Committee, who give their time and effort to perform this service for our meteorite community!

Categories: Announcements