October 26, 2020

A special issue of Meteoritics and Planetary Science honoring John T. Wasson, who passed away on 8 September 2020 is planned for fall 2021. Wasson spent more than 50 years as a professor and meteorite researcher at UCLA. He was President of the Meteoritical Society in 1979-1980. He received the Leonard Medal from the Meteoritical Society in 2002 and the J. Lawrence Smith award from the National Academy of Sciences in 2003. The mineral wassonite (TiS) and an asteroid (4783 Wasson) were named in his honor.

Wasson’s scientific interests covered a wide variety of topics including iron meteorites, chondrules, meteorite breccias, HEDs, lunar rocks, tektites and nebular fractionation processes. Contributions of articles or review papers on topics studied by Wasson are invited for this special issue of MAPS. Manuscripts should be submitted before 28 February 2021 at the MAPS website and will be reviewed following the regular MAPS procedures. Prior notification of submission to Sasha Krot will help to speed up the review process. Articles should be as concise as possible and should not exceed 16 printed pages. The journal assesses a charge of $70 per page for each printed page over this limit.

Authors should limit their appreciations of John Wasson to one or two sentences in the acknowledgements. A tribute to John will preface the issue.

Sasha Krot, Alan Rubin, and Ed Scott

Special issue associate editors

Categories: Announcements