January 25, 2023 Jutta Zipfel

Dear member of the Meteoritical Society

Less than a month is left to nominate candidates for our Society's Awards. The procedures for making a nomination can be found on our website: https://meteoritical.org/awards. Please send nominations for Meteoritical Society awards to the appropriate committee chair, preferably by email with electronic attachments. Here are the deadlines for the various awards, the committee chairs, and their e-mail address.



January 31, 2023 deadline:
The Paul Pellas - Graham Ryder Award joint with the Planetary Division of GSA – send nominations to metsocsec@gmail.com

February 15, 2023 deadlines:
The Leonard Medal (Jeffrey N. Cuzzi, jeffrey.cuzzi@nasa.gov)
The Barringer Award (Roger Gibson, Roger.Gibson@wits.ac.za)
The Nier Prize (Jeff Cuzzi, jeffrey.cuzzi@nasa.gov)
The Service Award (Romy D. Hanna, romy@jsg.utexas.edu)


Best Regards,
Nancy L. Chabot, President
Jutta Zipfel, Secretary


Categories: Awards, Announcements