September 4, 2024 Nancy Chabot

Dear Meteoritical Society Members,
We wanted to share some announcements in this monthly newsletter:

  • Research Grant Report - View this report about a project by Laura Noel García examining cliftonite formation in IAB iron meteorites, funded by a Meteoritical Society Research Grant. Meteoritical Society Research Grants are open to student and early-career (<10 years post degree) members, and the next proposal deadline is 15 January, 2025.

  • CosmoELEMENTS Ideas Wanted - CosmoELEMENTS are short articles to share exciting discoveries in cosmochemistry with a wide audience. The editor for the Meteoritical Society Contributions to Elements, Cari Corrigan, is looking for new ideas to be published in CosmoELEMENTS. If you're interested, email her at

Share your announcements with MetSoc members – Submission guidelines and other details are given on the society's website.

Thank you for being a part of the Meteoritical Society, and please feel free to reach out to us at any time.
Nancy Chabot, Meteoritical Society President,
Jutta Zipfel, Meteoritical Society Secretary,
You can follow MetSoc on: X - Instagram -  Facebook - LinkedIn - YouTube

Categories: Newsletter