Endowment Fund – Winter 2023 Grants Announced
Announcement of Winter 2023 Endowment Fund Grant Selections More…
Nominations for Meteoritical Society Awards
Announcements about nominations for Meteoritical Society Awards More…
Nominations for Pellas-Ryder Award
Announcements about nominations for Pellas-Ryder Award More…
Upcoming Deadline for Endowment Grants
Announcement about the upcoming deadline for Endowment grant proposals More…
Meteoritical Society Membership Renewal for 2023
Announcement of upcoming membership renewal deadline for 2023 More…
1st Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for Ryugu samples and Ryugu sample catalog open
We are happy to release the first Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for Ryugu samples in the following URL; [https://jaxa-ryugu-sample-ao.net/], and Ryugu sample catalog now available online as follows; [https://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/curation/hayabusa2/]. As mentioned in the top page of the AO, the notice of intent to propose is due in mid-March, and registration and longin page will be available soon. Please enjoy the Ryugu sample catalog and consider your research proposal based on the information described in the guidebook [https://jaxa-ryugu-sample-ao.net/files/guidebook.pdf]. We are looking forward to having fruitful research proposals from you! More…
2022 Membership Renewal & Award Nominations
Those of you who have not yet renewed your membership will have temporarily lost your access to the Member Portal (and therefore to the Journal) on January 1st, but this can be easily remedied by renewing. Subscription to the print journal will not be interrupted if members renew by January 20th. Also, there is only about a month left to nominate candidates for our Society's Awards. The procedures for making a nomination can be found on our website. More…
ExMAG Fall Meeting Announcement
The Extraterrestrial Materials Analysis Group (ExMAG) will meet virtually on October 14–15, 2021, from 11am-5 pm EDT. There is no registration fee but registration is required by October 11, 2021. The Fall meeting will focus on sample return missions and technologies, sample collections, facilities and informatics, and advanced analysis and curation methods. We invite Early-Career members of the sample analysis community (students, postdocs, and those within 10 years of their terminal degree) to have Coffee with the ExMAG Chair on October 14 from 10-11 am EDT, an informal hour to learn about ExMAG and talk about issues important to you. A virtual poster session to view Facilities posters will be held in Gather.town on October 15 from 10-11 am EDT. The list of posters will be posted on the agenda page. Registered attendees will receive an e-mail from Houston Meeting Info prior to the meeting with connection information for all events. More information and agenda are at https://www.lpi.usra.edu/exmag/meetings/exmagfall2021/ More…
Session Proposals for 2022 Goldschmidt Conference Theme 1: Solar Systems and Planets
The call for sessions and workshops for Goldschmidt 2022 in Hawaii is now open. We invite the community to consider submitting a session 1 under Theme 1 Solar Systems and Planets: The goal of this theme is to bring together cosmochemistry, geodynamical, and astronomical contributions about how the bodies in our Solar System and in exoplanetary systems formed and evolved through time. Topics of interest include pre-solar chemistry, protoplanetary disks and the origins of chondrules, planetary accretion and planetesimal growth, planetary collisions and volatile transfer, planetary differentiation (including the Earth) and planetary crust formation, late accretion and impacts, and magmatic processes. We seek sessions that bring together different methodologies, including analysis of extraterrestrial materials, experiments and numerical modelling, and results from planetary missions. More…
Chicago Meeting message
We wanted to update you on the status of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society. In 2020 we were close to fully moving the 2021 meeting online only due to the ongoing ravaging COVID-19 pandemic. In early 2021 with increasing vaccination rates and decreasing COVID-19 cases the situation for holding an in-person meeting with an online component in the summer looked promising. Professional networking opportunities at in-person meetings are particularly important for early career scientists, especially for 3-year PhDs. Anything longer than the one-year hiatus with in-person meetings will deprive these early career scientists of the opportunity to present at a MetSoc. The Meteoritical Society Council and the meeting organizers, therefore, decided to hold a hybrid meeting. This decision was not an easy one, particularly given the highly increased workload and expenses that are involved with organizing a hybrid meeting. But given the circumstances with the pandemic, the hybrid form is the most inclusive solution that is possible for this meeting and allows participation by everyone from any country, regardless of travel restrictions. This decision was taken months before cases with the Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-19 virus started to increase. More…