2023 Meteoritical Society Awards
Details of the 2023 Meteoritcal Society Award recipients with links to their citations. More…
2023 Pellas-Ryder Award

Announcement of the 2023 Pellas-Ryder Award to co-winners Jupiter Cheng and Adeene Denton. More…
2022 McKay and Wiley Awards Announced

Announcement of 2022 McKay and Wiley Awards More…
Nominations for Meteoritical Society Awards
Announcements about nominations for Meteoritical Society Awards More…
Pellas-Ryder Award for 2022 to Sarah S. Sutton

Sarah Sutton, currently a postdoctoral scientist at the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory of the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA, is awarded the 2022 Pellas-Ryder Award for her paper titled "Sinuous channels east of Olympus Mons, Mars: Implications for volcanic, hydrological, and tectonic processes" published in Icarus in 2022. More…
Barringer Award for 2022

Gareth Collins (Imperial College of London) and Kai Wünnemann (Germany) are jointly awarded the Barringer Award for 2022 for their collaborative development of the iSALE hydrocode and their influential scientific work in understanding and simulating the physics of impact crater formation. More…
Nier Prize for 2022

Prof. Arya Udry of the University of Nevada Las Vegas has been selected for the 2022 Nier Prize for her significant contributions in the petrology and chemistry of martian meteorites, for advancing our understanding of the crystallization sequences of martian magmas and for being an effective public communicator of the science. More…
Service Award for 2022

Dr. Randy L. Korotev, Emeritus Research Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University St. Louis, has been selected for the 2022 Service Award of the Meteoritical Society. Dr. Korotev was selected for his contributions to the classification of lunar meteorites, for his creation and operation of the "go-to" website for lunar meteorites and for his public outreach and education efforts in meteorites. More…
Leonard Medal for 2022

Prof. Kevin D. McKeegan, Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences, University of California Los Angeles has been named the 2022 Leonard Medalist of the Meteoritical Society. The announcement was made at the 84th Meteoritical Society Meeting held in Chicago, during its Business Meeting, August 18, 2021. More…
Student and Early Career Travel Awards for MetSoc 2021
Hi everyone! I'd like to draw your attention to the Student and Early Career Travel Awards for MetSoc this year. A limited number of travel awards will be available to undergraduate and graduate students and post-doctoral members of The Meteoritical Society. The purpose of the financial support is to enable conference participation of early career researchers with limited sources of funding. Please go to: https://www.metsoc2021-chicago.com/travel-awards to check out eligibility, and for the application form. Any questions, please contact the Chair of the Travel Award Committee, Dr. Jemma Davidson: jdavidson at asu.edu. The deadline is June 4th, 2021, so don't delay! More…
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